In 2008 Arkansas passed a law that all DOT positive test results are to be reported to the Department of Finance and Administration. They've created a database that allows you to put the drivers CDL number, company they tested for, the test they took and the date is was reported positive. The twist is all companies that follow DOT regulations have to check the database for all new drivers they hire. If that driver is in that database as having a positive drug test then the driver has to either (A) show proof of visiting a DOT recognized SAP as well as a follow up program or one completed or (B) can not drive until the driver can show proof of this. If a driver is in the middle of a follow up program, the company hiring him must continue the follow up program until the SAP says it is complete. So the question here is when it comes to this database, how accurate is it, are all MRO's reporting to it, and are companies even checking it? You can set up an account online to check previous driving records for a set up fee of $75.00 plus $1.00 for every search or you can go downtown and pick one up for $0.50 (last time I checked). For questions regarding this new step in hiring a DOT driver please contact us at 501-661-9992 or AR Department of Finance and Administration.