I was hit with a shocking phone call yesterday. A mother went in to wake up her 11 year old boy for school along with his 4 other brothers and sisters. When she went to wake up Tony he was dead. After the police, investigators, and coroner left it was determined that Tony overdosed on Methadone.
Methadone is a narcotic pain reliever, similar to morphine. It also reduces withdrawal symptoms in people addicted to heroin or other narcotic drugs without causing the "high" associated with the drug addiction. Taking methadone improperly will increase your risk of serious side effects or death. Even if you have used other narcotic medications, you may still have serious side effects from methadone.
So the question is how did this little boy get Methadone? The police were led to a 13 year old girl who went to school with Tony. When questioned she admitted to giving him 2-4 pills as well as giving pills to other kids in school. When asked how she got the Methadone she told police she stole it out of her Grandma's purse. Can you see where this problem started?
Educating our kids as well as educating parents about the dangers of prescriptions drugs is so important. We are to a point where if we don't do something soon, it may be too late. Get involved. It starts in the home.
Tony was a great kid with a very bright future. He made a senseless mistake and paid the ultimate price. His family is definitely grieving and trying to wrap their brains about this. I had spoken to Tony many times about drugs but I was never specific. Kids don't realize that prescription medication is a drug too.
If you would like to donate to Tony's family he has a memorial account set up at Malvern National Bank under Tony Phillips Memorial.
207 North Oak Street
Sheridan, AR 72150
(870) 942-5191 (voice)
(870) 942-5194 (fax)
Read more: http://www.drugs.com/methadone.html#ixzz0mb2FyEzc