Friday, May 28, 2010

DNA Testing

DNA testing can be perceived as being negative or degrading in some occasions. In many cases we are used to watching the Maury Show and seeing the most dramatic performance on national television showing a poor innocent child who's mother is determined the degenerate individual she brought on national television is the father. Of course they are completely determined they are indeed not the father and tend to make complete fools of themselves. The story lines can be entertaining but it is really sad for the child who is stuck in the middle as well as the mother who honestly has no idea who the father of her child is.

The reality is DNA testing can determine several different scenarios. Not only can it it determine paternity but it can also determine ancestry, infidelity, and proving inheritance. We were approached by the laboratory we use for DNA testing for a possible TV show that follows families and individuals who are seeking DNA testing to determine all of the above answers. The cost of the test is typically pretty expensive but in this situation, and if your story is interesting enough for television, you could receive the test absolutely free.

If you are interested in the DNA testing process or have some unanswered questions with you, your family, or your ancestors, give us a call, tell us your story. You may be the next inspiring story for this new TV show with a free DNA test.

501-661-9992 or email at

Monday, May 17, 2010

DOT Physicals and Insulin Dependent Drivers

Not everyday you run into a driver requesting a DOT physical that is not qualified to receive their card. Did you know insulin dependent diabetics do not meet the qualifications for a DOT medical card? Part 391 section 41(b)(3) states "if the condition can be controlled by the use of oral medication and diet, then an individual may be qualified under the present rule. CMV drivers who do not meet the Federal diabetes standard may call (202) 366-4001 for an application for a diabetes exemption." For more information you can go to the website or give us a call.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Alcohol Forms Extended Until January 1, 2011

I received this message from DATIA:

The Department of Transportation published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) proposing to extend the date for mandatory use of the recently updated Alcohol Testing Form (ATF) to January 1, 2011.

On February 25, 2010, the Department published a final rule revising the ATF. The mandatory use date for the new form is August 1, 2010. After publishing the February 25 revisions, DOT learned that vendors and users of the ATF will not be able to deplete their current supply of ATFs by August. Therefore, they propose only to extend the date for mandatory use.

- DATIA Headquarters

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Pharm Parties: The Dangers Our Kids Are In

KARK News 4 in Little Rock, AR did a special on the dangers of prescription medications and our teenagers. More than a week ago and family friend of mine went through her own personal hell when her youngest son took the prescription methadone from another kid in school and did not wake up the next morning. It's terrifying to know that our kids don't have to go on the streets to drug dealers to get these drugs. THEY ARE IN OUR OWN HOMES! First Choice is pushing for a program just like Benton's "Operation Medicine Cabinet" so parents can dispose of unused prescription medication. It could save your child's life.

Please visit this website for the full story by KARK News 4:

Friday, May 7, 2010

Randoms: What's the difference?

DOT clearly states that randoms must be computer generated. Why am I asking some DOT companies how they've been doing their randoms and most of them answer "pulling them out of a hat"! My colleague contacted one company who was bound and determined to do things the way they wanted to. This company has a lot of trucks! What are they doing about alcohol testing? Are they instant testing their drivers instead of doing federal lab based? What about medical review? Physicals? Anything? The truth is there are more companies out there than we know doing this exact thing: whatever they want! Drug Testing can get expensive but if you find a TPA that will work with you, Drug Testing can be so easy and affordable. With that said, if you know a company that isn't drug testing (but is supposed to be), give them our number. We have many options to help keep their costs low as well as keep them out of trouble during their next audit. Even if there are no accidents or violations, DOT auditors have been known to randomly pull company DOT numbers and make a visit.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

2010 Flu Shot Orders!

First Choice Drug Testing & Occupational Health Services, Inc. wants to remind you to place your:

2010 Flu Shot Orders
No later than July 15, 2010

First Choice provides a vast array of occupational health services to our customers. One of those services is administering flu shots. Flu season is months away but we are accepting orders until July 15, 2010 to make sure enough vaccines are ordered for this season. You can also schedule your appointment early! No order is too big or too small.

Please call or email us for a order form and submit it no later than July 15, 2010. Please be sure to let us know if you would like us to come on-site to administer the vaccine or if the employees will be coming to our location on S. University. There may be additional fees for on-site testing depending on your location and the number of employees receiving the vaccine.

Note: The CDC is requiring manufacturers of flu vaccines to combine the H1N1 (Swine Flu) and regular season flu vaccine into one shot this 2010 flu season.

If you have any questions, please give us a call at 501-661-9992. We look forward to working with you!